Be Sorted Enneagram for Individuals

What we know about ourselves is the visible personality. We know our traits, our behavioral patterns, and our modus operandi. We are very attached to our character, and we feel that we know we will behave in situations. We do not know ‘Why’ we act in a particular manner. We are likely to be unaware of our core belief system, our core motivation, and our core fears. BeSorted Enneagram helps us in the discovery of knowing ourselves at a deeper level. Enneagram framework has nine different types. Each type has a core belief system, core motivation and core fears which are deeply embedded in the deep layers of our personality and we are likely to be unaware of it. Enneagram helps us discover our precise dominant type and reveals our core belief system.

Knowing our type is just the beginning! Once we know our behavioral traits and patterns, we can embark upon the journey of awareness and transformation. I will coach you through the individualized development plan explicitly designed according to your dominant type, subtype, and others aspects of the report.

Know the lens through which you see the world! It is a life-changing and transformational point of life. Just take the test, and the report will do the rest!

Iceberg Model of Personality